A Return to Full Liberty the Only Course to Follow

By Steve Welcenbach

Last night, Wednesday May 13th, the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the state constitution, legislative intent and logic. A gubernatorial tyrant, a.k.a. Tony “Skeletor” Evers, usurped the authority borrowed from the people of Wisconsin to inflict the worst possible economic damage on the populace for the purpose of national political partisan goals.

Skeletor implemented the most draconian lockdown order one could ever imagine. Crafted maliciously with his CCP puppet Maggie Gau and other democrat party handlers, they intended to destroy state business and commerce so the resulting ruin could then be placed at the feet of our President, Donald J. Trump. Skeletor’s next stunt to transfer time-unlimited lockdown authority to one of his agency heads clearly demonstrated evil intent in all they did.

We know Skeletor is completely incompetent and a fool. But his position of authority remains real. And the people pulling his strings are every bit the totalitarian idealogues as their Chinese Communist Party masters. They intend to destroy America and everyone in it by any means possible. Totalitarianism of any stripe is parasitic. Remember, the parasite does not know it is killing the host and, once dead, the parasite dies as well.

The lockdown could never be justified based upon previous experience with coronavirus illnesses nor within the context of the Federal and State constitutions. To describe this lockdown as draconian does it a disservice with regard to its all encompassing extent in regulating our lives on the micro level. And it did no good at all.

Need proof of that? I just got this jewel of a piece this morning, too late to include in the May Reality News. Its title, “There is No Evidence Lockdowns Saved Lives. It is Indisputable They Caused Great Harm” sums everything up perfectly.

For those using the internet you can read it at https://wmbriggs.com/post/30833/ or go to realitynewsmedia.com and it will be posted there today. Or check my Facebook page, for as long as the “fact checkers” allow it to be up.

So the Wisconsin Supreme Court correctly ruled that the duly passed legislative action allowing the authoritative farce Skeletor and his gang tried to pull off installing Clintonite Andrea Palm as dictator of Wisconsin conflicted with the Wisconsin constitution and therefore could never be enacted. Even if the Legislature INTENDED the Governor to be able to outsource his emergency powers to another official the constitution does not allow the Legislature to do so. Most logical individuals would also conclude that when enacting this law, the Legislature never intended to allow this perpetual power transfer from an elected executive to an agency head. Such a transfer of totalitarian authority would truly negate the entire structure of government set forth in the Wisconsin constitution.

For some reason none of us understand, Justice Brian Hagedorn, whom most of us worked amazingly hard to get elected onto the court, can’t understand this very apparent and logical concept. Needless to say most patriotic Wisconsinites have been quite disappointed with Justice Hagedorn thus far. He better wake up before August comes when Justice Daniel Kelly gets replaced by Jill Karofsky.

So now our worry becomes the timidity and incompetence of the Wisconsin Legislature. During this whole totalitarian episode the Republicans hid in their closets and kept quiet as the marauders ran wild, inflicting damage to small businesses, farms, restaurants, families and our social interactions. Then they got rolled by Skeletor which led to this whole lawsuit thing. Though the lawsuit worked out and needed to be addressed, the whole thing becomes naught if the legislature teams up with the Skeletor to reimplement useless and draconian rules of social distancing and face mask wearing.

We don’t need to be told to wash our hands and to clean up after ourselves or customers. The idiots reside in the media, teacher’s union and legislature. The citizen can fend for themselves quite well without your interference or nanny state rules. The local TV news media showed themselves to be completely comprised of morons programmed to regurgitate stupidity.

I composed the following collection of analyses I hope legislators will read and consider before they decide to “do something.”

1) Testing is irrelevant. It matters not how many people you identify had or have the virus. In fact, you want lots of people to get it. We know several double-digit multiples of people have already contracted this virus and have not been tested. The California studies confirmed this logical fact. The only relevant number, the number of people that have been exposed to this virus, is not an exactly knowable (measurable) quantity without implementing completely totalitarian means. But we can safely extrapolate from composite knowledge and studies like those coming out of California that this number is very, very large.

2) The number of corona virus attributed deaths (a fake number as we all know) is not relevant either. The vast majority of people that die or will die would’ve died anyway from some other cause, illness, old age, or physical condition in the near future. It matters not whether it’s traditional influenza induced pneumonia or Covid-19 lung trauma. Putting death into the proper perspective is the opposite of heartless. At-risk individuals can decide for themselves how much protection they need and how to implement it. The draconian rules put in place for the dying and aged are heartless.

3) Hospitalizations caused directly by Covid19 infection and the subsequent recovery rate are the only numbers that really matter and that can have any semblance of validity from a data perspective. Once again when you look at these numbers in the context of social reality they show the lockdown did nothing positive for our society. The models, like the man-made global warming models, were completely wrong, not anywhere near reality.

4) Lock downs help no one and don’t work anyway. You may be able to slow the spread, but you can’t ever stop it, unless you put every individual in their personal bubble for the remainder of their earthly existence. I think our experience and comparison to model projections show this course has been quite unwise. Just wait till you see what happens when the economic carnage already done boldly manifests itself in the coming months. Its going to be nightmarish.

5) Masks and social distancing do massive damage to our society while offering essentially no benefit. Wearing a mask is a sign of submission, not a tool for preventing virus spread. As an environmental professional, I understand what is necessary to actually prevent contamination, and the CDC recommendations do the exact opposite. These requirements are not implemented for safety reasons but to destroy social interactions, which is essential in establishing totalitarianism.

Socialism (syn: totalitarianism) implemented for any reason

  1. a) does not work
  2. b) creates all kind of additional problems both medical and nonmedical
  3. c) destroys the ability to react and innovate to both the medical challenges and totalitarian side effects Let’s hope our Wisconsin Legislature has more respect for the common sense of Wisconsinites than Skeletor has displayed. If they do not, they too will learn who works for whom.

If America ends up abolishing the CDC, NIH and other agencies that have devolved into dens of thieves and scoundrels robbing taxpayers to implement their self-serving interests and ideological schemes, then the pain will be well worth it.

I can’t wait until Trump exposes Fauci for the fraud and criminal he is. The damage this man and all those behind him have done to the world will become apparent and cannot be hidden. Surely swift reckoning will follow. It must.