The People of Wisconsin have chosen — OR HAVE THEY?!?

By Curtis & Dominique Uhl
So… I needed to cry for a few days, before I responded to you all, and I will warn you, this is still raw, from my heart to yours.
It was such a mercy being there in Green Lake with everyone at the watch night party, to grieve with the Kellys and Rebecca Bradley and Shelley Grogan and so many more wonderful people who have worked so very hard to combat the monster machine of the media and the plethora of lies launched to deceive and mislead the voters. The Kellys and we remnant finally all broke up at midnight and went to our rooms (the Kelly’s had worked out a fantastic block price on the rooms!)
That election night was terrible, hardly slept a wink, crying anytime, deep grief, and it continues still. My girls and I were alone in the pool the next morning and we got in a big circle facing each other and as a comfort we sang Nearer My God to Thee in 3 part harmony, acoustics made it sound as if we were in the courts of heaven. I had another experience earlier that morning - I can honestly say I’ve never cried in a hot tub before.
The picture I’ve included is some of the flowers Elisa Kelly gave our family. The background is from the balcony of our room looking out over the beautiful lake, you see it appears that even creation is grieving.
When we arrived home from Green Lake on Wednesday afternoon, all our Daniel Kelly signs were gone. It was so sad. Someone had taken them all. And not just ours, all around the town. I called the police non-emergency and the lady who answered said she saw a man taking the yard signs but she had assumed it was the campaign. I called the campaign and it was not. Probably a Protasiewicz supporter. It makes it look as if we are ashamed of Daniel when we’re not; we would have kept them up for a good while.
I pray the Kellys and our other friends are getting rest. Thank the Lord the next two nights at home I slept 9 hours each night, which is a wonder for me, with my health issues, and with this grief. America and I are twins, birthdates separated by 200 years, I grew up with her, parades & fireworks for my birthday, little hand on my little heart.
Some may still need to read my email “PLEASE READ IMMEDIATELY” to understand the sheer evil that has been set in motion, but for divine intervention. I cried on Elisa’s shoulder before Daniel went in to give his concession speech, telling her, “He could have saved so many lives.” Days later, the tears still come, and I still have occasional sobbing, it’s hard not to when you did everything you could and still freedom is seized, and lives will be annihilated. Russian novelist Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, who protested the Soviet Union, stated, “This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.” and it really hits home with Janet voters clapping and cheering, not knowing what they have won, what they have done. I know how very much we lost, and how much we will still lose. I know too much. Psalm 37 has been a great comfort to me and I highly recommend it! I’m so grateful that the here and now is not our Heavenly Home in eternity where the redeemed will be forever with the Lord.
And then at other times the injustice of it all hits me fully.
How could the rest of America who once promised financial help, actually have spent so little on a race that will ripple out to affect them too? Not just because Wisconsin is a battleground state and the path to the future presidential elections, but even the way other state supreme courts can now follow the example of this race and run judicial races as politicians on their political agendas - and apparently win?? How could American conservative donors have let West Coast and East Coast billionaires flood millions upon millions into our state in favor of Janet TV commercials to work against our true vote when they promised the conservative cause we would not be outspent?
How can the Kellys have given up an income for months draining their finances during a very uncertain economic time in history, in order to try to save not just our WI Supreme Court, but our freedom here in this state, and across America? And what job will he do now with a Supreme Court 4 of 7 rabidly against him? Daniel & Elisa are sacrificing so much for us. Please pray for the Kelly family.
The Kellys are so genuine, I wish you could all know them too. I wish you could know the only 3 Judicial Conservatives in our entire state in the Appellate and Supreme Court level -- Daniel Kelly and Rebecca Bradley and Shelley Grogan -- what determined dedication and selfless sacrifice in these incredible Constitutional patriots who have risked their lives (death threats), their fortunes, and their sacred honor for the blessings of liberty. Their good names have only grown in esteem in my eyes despite every attempt to destroy their sacred honor. It is one of the greatest honors of my life to have volunteered alongside all of them. Please pray for them too. If the global oligarchs have their way, they are going to run out the remaining Judicial Conservative Founding Father quality patriots from our WI Courts.
Before I get to the rest of the injustices, and please, before you read anything else, watch Kelly’s concession speech directly below. Criminals don’t like to be called out for their criminal deeds, and the liberals are calling Kelly’s concession speech bitter. Vitriolic.
I call it truth.
I call it sincerity.
I call it phenomenal.
I call it beautiful in a heartrending way.
I call it utterly unforgettable, and tears were streaming down my cheeks in Green Lake while Daniel Kelly spoke from the deepest parts of his heart: 7 min 14 sec
I would love to quote out so much of his speech, but it would do it a disservice, not to hear it from his own lips with which it’s given, directly to We the People without notes, but I’m going to address this particular clip:
“I’ve been committed to the rule of law my entire career. And I understand it to be the most fundamental, basic promise of civilization. In its heart, it lives in the judiciary - and if not there, then nowhere at all. We’ve had this laid out plainly before us: we have the Rule of Law, or the Rule of Janet. And the people of Wisconsin have chosen the Rule of Janet. And I respect that decision (because it IS theirs to make…regardless of what it is), because that is what a servant does.” - Daniel Kelly
Yes, Daniel is a humble servant of the people -- and the decision should have been ours to make, yes. But I’m not convinced it was, and this is why:
This is my opinion:
I think the liberals were terrified that the same thing (a close win) would happen in this race as did in Ron Johnson’s race -- where he landslided it and they couldn’t pull the cheat off. You know there is no way on earth that a 1% margin of victory would not have been investigated between Johnson and Barnes in November, especially when the record shows they had both cleared 1.3 million votes a piece. BUT THE LIBERALS DID NOT CHALLENGE IT because it would have revealed the cheating and stealing. They don’t want anyone investigating their deeds of darkness. So their alternative was to be SURE the margin was not close this time, and they OVER-cheated, which makes it ludicrously obvious. I know there are those working on getting to the bottom of this, PRAY FOR THEM, and that the court in the correct jurisdiction will stay the results of the WI Supreme Court election and not certify it while an investigation is performed.
I know that nothing is too hard for the Lord, and He could have very easily allowed us to win, regardless of all the discrepancies below. It is one of my thoughts right now that the Lord is causing this cheat to be revealed, and perhaps will shine the light of truth upon it, in order to awaken more people in WI to the cheating. Then hopefully, we will have a greater army of soldiers in their communities acting to gain election integrity in their precincts, not just talking about it.
Here are SOME of the discrepancies from the April 4th election:
Counties across Wisconsin are immediately sending in their electronic voting/counting machines for “routine maintenance” which doesn’t have to be done until autumn, which to my understanding is code for “Swipe-the-machines-quickly-so-they-can’t-see/prove-what-we-did.” That’s not suspicious at all.
Kelly went from the margin of victory in the polls of 2 percentage points behind to 11 percentage point loss the next day in the election???
The Republicans were telling the conservatives to vote yes on all the referendum questions. The Democrats were telling all the liberals to vote no on the referendum questions. And although there were patriots that recognized the inherent dangers and voted no as well, the no vote was 30%, yet Janet won at 55.5%. The referendum yes vote of conservatives was 70%. Yet Daniel lost at 45.5% Something doesn’t add up.
In fact, political analysts informed us there was no way, according to their data, that Janet could pull more than 49% -- So where did she get the extra 6.5%???
We were also told by political analysts that if Daniel got 800,000 votes in a non-presidential primary year, he’d win. He got 818,286, yet he “lost”. Or did he?
Oddly enough, I was even told by experts that were investigating it, that some of the most egregious cities known for astronomically high turnouts of liberal absentee ballots, were this time astronomically LOW in their absentee ballots.
Some counties that are ALWAYS conservative flipped to liberal. Even my own conservative county lost 7% points to its average, with a 58-42 conservative vote in this election compared to the normal 65-35 conservative.
There are more cheats that I’m not free to discuss, including things that even sabotaged the campaign from within, so please just pray, pray, PRAY!
Here are a few more noteworthy thoughts that affected the election:
One of the biggest cheats was constant propaganda that brainwashed the people that this election for the High Court was a political race about abortion, “values”, etc, completely hijacking the constitutional balance of power between the executive, judicial and legislative branches in WI. Of course, this propaganda was only believable because it is habitual from the indoctrination in the government schools and the constant barrage from the media, where the highest ideals in life are the right to kill your posterity, mutilate your body, accept every perversion while believing the government is there to help you, house you, feed you, guide you, and where the closest thing to true religion is the temporary ferver at a ballgame or the virtual link of mass vaccination.
It is such a deeply rooted problem where the majority of Americans falsely believe the President is a king over the land, that the Courts are to change laws as they preside over cases, and that the Legislature is impotent to stand up against unconstitutional federal mandates and make our state a sanctuary state.
I love the way Constitutional scholar Kelly explains the correct balance of power in this interview: 1 hr
The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom,
and his tongue talketh of judgment.
The law of his God is in his heart,
none of his steps shall slide. Psalm 37:30-31
With medical freedom injury & death court cases coming up through the judicial levels to the WI Supreme Court, I knew full well how crucial it was to get the Independents and Democrats for Medical Freedom to vote for Daniel Kelly like they did for Ron Johnson, and you knew this from my writings and from my call-ins to the radio. I don’t know if we got their vote or not, because the deception was soooo strong to get the Independents and Democrats for “women’s rights-abortion” instead.
And others, deceived by the media and politicians, were in a full paranoia about a hoax that the pregnant women they knew were going to die from pregnancy complications (without legalized abortion) and that somehow a vote for Janet would hand them abortion on a silver platter and be an insurance policy to protect the woman’s life. The deception level is mindblowing.
And although we’ve already touched on the out of state millions that were the majority of Janet’s funding, where only 19% of Kelly’s were out of state, here is a 2 min Tucker Carlson report on yet another aspect, remember the $250 bribery to get Janet votes?
And maybe, too many conservatives did vote early and the liberals knew exactly how many votes were necessary to safeguard their win, instead of most of the votes coming in for Daniel Kelly on Election Day itself as a surprise to the liberals and confounding their algorithms. I can only ask, I can’t force people to vote on Election Day.
In conclusion, I echo the message that when we can’t see His plan, when we can’t trace His hand, trust His heart, He alone is faithful and true. To not doubt in the darkness what God has shown us in the light. To keep the faith. To never let freedom die. To resist evil. To stand for truth and righteousness. I am so very grateful that our risen Lord is on the throne, and that He is fully able to deliver us if He so chooses, and it may be in ways we have not even imagined (and I have a good imagination).
For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever:
but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off…
Wait on the Lord, and keep his way,
and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land…
Psalm 37:28, 34
God bless you my friends, and God help us. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!!