
Resettlement VS. Immigration

Friends, The issue of Immigration Versus resettlement. Do you know the difference? See the attached document, created in 1991 by Muslim Leaders, and read section #4 so that you can understand what has happened over the last 25 years. Immigration: Moving to a new land and integrating into the existing society. Resettlement: Moving into a…

An Army of Stretcher Bearers

“A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war; and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:8 Milwaukee County Constitution Party In High School I interceded for a Christian named Steve, who has a pacifist, and refused to defend himself or anyone else. The gangsters quickly figured this out, and Steve was…

Time to Go!

“For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.” Jeremiah 8:11 I was at a meeting, where the final speaker said, “Muslims are okay guys, they go to church just like we do.” Muslims don’t go to church, they go to a Mosque.…

FreedomProject Academy Testimony

FreedomProject Academy is honored to share an amazing testimony from one of our parents who recently sent a letter to his staff and customers praising FPA. It is truly an incredible blessing to hear these stories and see the impact of FreedomProject Academy. I want to get a little personal with you today. More specifically,…