
May free speech reign and scientific inquiry prevail

Throughout the past four years, climate change activists have been secretly coordinating with one another regarding ways to prosecute individuals, organizations, and companies that are their ideological foes. They met to develop a strategy to use RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), which was intended to provide stronger weapons for prosecuting organized crime, against…

Steve’s Say . . . Five Facets of the Same Tale Unfolding Before Our Eyes

Since the June Reality News became print, the velocity of events unfolding in Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” of America reached warp speed and continues accelerating. We passed the event horizon of the Black Hole of the Left long ago, thundering onward to the destiny awaiting us in the alternate universe of Obama’s transformative vision on the…

New Documents Confirm: “Climate RICO” AGs Attempting to Write Themselves Out of Transparency Laws to Hide Abusive Campaign

Washington, DC – New responses from state Attorneys General offices (OAGs) obtained by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) and the Free Market Environmental Law Clinic (FME Law) confirm that the coalition of Democratic Attorneys General using racketeering laws to investigate universities, climate scientists, free market think tanks and energy companies are hiding…