
Nearly 400 Wisconsin Employers Urge Legislators to Reform Worker’s Compensation System

Petitions Call for Medical Fee Schedule to Reduce CostsMADISON – On Wednesday, Wisconsin  Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) delivered nearly 400 petitions from employers in every corner of the state to lawmakers urging them to reform the worker’s compensation system and pass the medical fee schedule that was unanimously supported by the Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council…

Time to get them off our gravy train

Sue and settle schemes reward pressure groups, and hurt the rest of America By Greg Walcher EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt recently issued a directive to end a 20-year string of “sue and settle” cases that have funneled untold millions of tax dollars to environmental organizations. Predictably, those groups and their allies have been apoplectic about…

Monckton Writes to EPAAdministrator Scott Pruitt on Clean Power Plan

We’re delighted that our friend Viscount Christopher Monckton, one of the leading critics of climate alarmism, allowed us to publish this letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, with which we wholeheartedly agree. We encourage citizens to make their own opinions known to Administrator Pruitt. By the way, what comes out of the…


For at least 50 years Australian taxpayers and other innocents have supported a parasitic industry in academia, bureaucracy, law, media and the tax-exempt Green Alarm “Charities”, all studying, regulating, inspecting and writing about yet another “imminent threat to Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef.” It has become the never-ending battle of the Coral Sea. The threats change,…

EPA Decision Imperils Wisconsin Manufacturing Growth

MADISON – Just days before Christmas, the U.S. EPA notified Gov. Scott Walker that it intends to classify large areas of East and Southeast Wisconsin as “nonattainment” with that agency’s 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone. Those standards, implemented by the Obama-era EPA, changed the definition of “clean air” from 75 parts-perbillion (ppb)…