
Letter-to-the-Editor Junk all Junkets

The climate catastrophists in the UN and Australia’s Climate Council claim that man-made global warming will hurt tourism. However tourists in planes, ships, buses, trains and cars all contribute mightily to man-made CO2. If the catastrophists believed their own scare-stories they would advocate bans on all government promotion and advertising of tourism expos and games,…

Why Big Miners Love Electric Vehicles

Big miners like BHP dream of unlimited profits in Greentopia – when we all drive electric vehicles charged by non-coal electricity. Imagine the metals and energy needed to build all those electric motors, batteries, charging stations, power leads, transmission lines, wind towers, solar farms, generators, transformers, gas pipelines and back-up power stations. Demand and prices…

Divine Judgment on Roe v Wade

“The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” Psalm 19:9 Roe v Wade was handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States on January 22, 1973. People say there was no Divine Judgment, yet I assure judgment was swift. The same day,…

Good news for Professor John McAdams

  Prof. John McAdams, a tenured political science professor who has taught at Marquette University since 1977, was removed from his teaching position in Nov., 2014, by school president, Mike Lovell, in response to a post on McAdams’s Marquette Warrior blog criticizing a graduate student instructor for telling a student that she would not tolerate…