
Climate Nonsense; ‘It’s all about money’

Here’s an idea. The Left, Alarmists, Media seem to have more money and better organization and the right, Skeptics less so. But the numbers are out there. Peter Ridd’s $95,000 in donations in two weeks tells a tale. I’m thinking of a form of directory for all websites: WUWT, PSI, CCD, Heartland etc. Websites that…

Senator Whitehouse, Your New Wardrobe Is Ready

One of the things I most appreciate about Joe Bastardi’s book The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won’t Hear from Al Gore—And Others is the long historical perspective he brings. Again and again he quotes alarmists about manmade global warming claiming that this or that event, or this or that series of events, or this…

Why Do Geologists Have Such Valuable Insights about Climate Change?

As the old joke goes, geologists aren’t perfect; they all have their faults. Nonetheless, they also often have extremely valuable insights about climate change. Why? Partly because it’s always easier to study slowmoving objects than fast-moving objects. Geologists mostly study things that change on time scales measured in centuries, millennia, or longer. Meteorologists and climatologists,…