
EU takes Germany to court over air pollution

Germany and five other EU countries are facing fines for breaking the law on air pollution. The European Commission is taking them to court — which could get expensive. The European Commission on Thursday decided to take Germany and five other European Union member states to court for breaching EU air pollution levels. The EU…

“Moral Bankruptcy”

“The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again; but the righteous sheweth mercy and giveth.” Psalms 37:21 The word “bankruptcy” comes from the Latin words bancus (bench) and ruptus (broken). The term originated in Medieval Italy. A banker conducted his public business on a bench. If he was in debt, the bench was broken in a…

Slower Traffic Keep Right

By Gary WickertIt is the universal trigger and a pet peeve for millions. You’re making good time travelling 75 MPH in the left lane of a freeway with a 70 MPH posted speed limit. You tap your brakes and turn off your cruise control, because a midnight blue 2012 Buick Regal, travelling a steady 65…

All public forums should be open and uncensored

Trump should embrace (and expand) court ruling that his Twitter account is free speech forum President Trump may not block even rude or obnoxious criticism from his Twitter account, because it is a public forum that is protected by the First Amendment, US District Court Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald has ruled. The President’s use of…

War on plastic a mistake

The Green-Left has a new victim in its sights. This time it’s plastic and everyone who uses it. You may have already noticed an uptick in news stories about the evils of plastic, often followed by stories about well-meaning but naive government officials planning a ban. We posted an article at CFACT.org by Jason Hopkins…