
Post Modern Prejudice

“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24 I have a friend from my school days, who is in worse shape than I am in, and when he was limping into a gas station to buy some gas, he held the door open for a lady, who rewarded him by calling him…

Funding the Climate-Industrial Complex

Why Big Green energy investors rely on the man-made global warming mythSupposedly “green” or “renewable” energy has become a trillion-dollar-plus annual industry that has spawned tens of thousands of new businesses worldwide. The total Climate- Industrial Complex is a $2-trillion-per-year business. Major fossil fuel companies like Shell Energy now have green energy divisions. These companies…

A 2019 resolution: Honesty in energy policy

Virginia wind project highlights the need in climate, sustainability and renewable energy arenas In this season of New Year resolutions, we should insist that governors, legislators, regulators, activists and their corporate allies resolve to be more honest, especially on climate and renewable energy issues. Here in Virginia where we live, Governor Ralph Northam and the…