
Impeachment: When Emotion Trumps Logic

 The Democrats’ continued shrill call for impeaching President Trump and the crude language of freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib are the best political support for Donald Trump in 2020 conservatives could hope for. That ignorance on the Constitution and the historical relevance of impeachment could run so high among some of the sillier and emotional members…

The Week That Was February 9th, 2019

 Roger Andrews RIP: On his web site, Manhattan Contrarian, Francis Menton has an excellent review of what Roger Andrews contributed to our understanding on how fanciful the plans of going 100% renewable are for electricity alone, not to mention the plans for total energy use. As Andrews discussed on several occasions, California is a good…

We must hope Dr. Soon is right …

And the global warming apocalypse is not nigh. Real-world evidence certainly supports him. Everyone has heard the bad news. Imminent Climate Apocalypse (aka “global warming” and “climate change”) threatens humanity and planet with devastation, unless we abandon the use of fossil fuels. Far fewer people have heard the good news. The sun has just entered its…

Shame on Scientific American and E&E News for Lying about John Christy

 Scientific American, apparently following the lead of E&E News, headlined its report of Dr. John Christy’s appointment to the federal Environmental Protection Agency “Scientist Who Rejects Warming Is Named to EPA Advisory Board.” The truth—which E&E News and SA undoubtedly know, is that John Christy most certainly doesn’t “reject warming.” He manages the NASA satellite…

Future Elections: How To Win Them

 After the November election I did share my evaluation of what took place here in Wisconsin and the factors which contributed to the massive defeats in statewide races but decisive victories in legislative districts. Since then readers shared my journey with my mother and my family to her new life transformation with our Savior. I…