Monthly Archives: January 2012

Global Poverty Act is Back

Is Bill Gates the World’s Richest Useful Idiot? By Tom DeWeese He might be a whiz kid at creating computer software, but beyond that Bill Gates has proven time and again that he hasn’t a clue about why or how freedom works. He constantly teams up with anti-free market types like the National Wildlife Federation…

Preparing our Students with Real World Experience

By Dan Knodl When visiting businesses, it is no surprise that one of the universal points always brought up is the need to make sure students have the technical background and training for the 21st century. With our economy becoming further globalized every day, we must continue to make sure we hold the competitive edge…

Wisconsin Education Progress Shows Great Hope

Wisconsin has been a leader in Voucher schools for years and has been constantly attacked by the teachers unions, liberal politicians, and national unions and liberals to wreck the progress our choice and charter schools have been making. We brought our Woodstock Business Conference group to Milwaukee College Prep charter school in Milwaukee for an…

Avoiding DC’s Fate by Addressing Waste in Wisconsin

By Dan Knodl It was reported last week that our gross national debt (loans, social security, etc.) surpassed $15.2 trillion. This is important because it is the same as another important figure, the amount of total goods and services the US economy produces annually. What really alarms me is that some federal politicians seemed to…

Hope for Political Representation For Small Business People

Let’s face it. Small business people have not had any true or significant representation at any level of government, at least over the course of my small business ownership career. Yes, political lip service correctly touts small business as the engine of the economy. But that’s where it stops. Income tax and healthcare policy ruthlessly…

Management of Environmental, Safety & Health Inc.

William Gooding MS, CHMM, RSD, CSE, CHRM, LFSM, Managing Director 2630 W Fourth St Appleton, WI 54914 • 920.209.5905 • wgooding.mesh@new, MESH inc. was founded 15 years ago under that premise that companies with fewer than 250 employees needed access to professional environmental, safety and health support at a known cost-effective rate. The model provides…