Monthly Archives: November 2011

Wisconsin Districts Pop Performance, Cut Costs

By Joy Pullmann Three Wisconsin school districts have been boosting student performance using less money and tailored technology, challenges for nearly every district in the nation as tax revenues remain low and America’s academic performance remains mediocre. The districts, part of a larger network called Cooperative Education Service Agency 1 (CESA1), also work together in…

Setting the Political Hypocrisy Record Straight

By Gary L. Wickert Ozaukee County’s New Graphic recently contained an opinion piece written by a local liberal describing last May’s aborted effort by public employee unions to recall State Senator Glenn Grothman as “an example of democracy.” The article twists the facts and gets Wisconsin political history wrong. It purports to lift up conservative…

Democrat Mobile Voter Fraud Unit Being Honed For Upcoming Elections

Faced  with  new  challenges  to  their traditional methods of voter fraud due to newly passed Voter ID legislation in many states, Democrats are instituting a quasi- legal   method   of   manipulating   voter demographics in specifically targeted areas. A   recent   investigation   by   Media Trackers into some specific aspects of the April 5th Prosser-Kloppenburg Wisconsin Supreme Court election…

Steve’s Say . . . Law Enforcement Shirks It’s Duty Once Again

After attending the Ronald Reagan Dinner on Friday night, November 3rd as part of the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the American Dream Summit in Washington DC, I experienced first hand the new “law enforcement” that now spans America. The new “law enforcement” philosophy is quite simple – ignore all criminal activity (which of course…

IRS helps Solyndra customers

The government gave the solar company individualized tax breaks In November of 2009, in the midst of Solyndra’s downward financial spiral, the Internal Revenue Service issued a ruling that granted special tax favors to the firm and its customers. The “private letter” ruling involving Solyndra, though widely discussed among tax lawyers, commented upon within the…

Welcome to the Land of Never Ending Campaign Season

By Ken Van Doren The votes have all been counted, and it is official. Simac was defeated by Holperin by a 56-44 margin, and Steitz was defeated by Wirch, 57-43. The Wisconsin State Senate still stands 17-16 for the Republicans. Will this thin majority make the legislature more timid? I hope not, as for the…