Monthly Archives: July 2011

Notes from the Climate Conference from a Recent College Graduate

By Travis Born On June 29 I traveled to Washington   D.C., to attend the Sixth International   Conference on Climate Change sponsored   by the Heartland Institute June 30 and July   1. Being a recent college graduate I   thought it would be a good opportunity to   acquire some information on a subject I   don’t know much about…

Who Has the Right to Live at the Expense of Another?

Our Moral Dilemma By Walter E. Williams Most of our nation’s problems are a  direct result of our being immune, hostile  or indifferent to several moral questions.  Let’s start out with the simple and move to  the more complex. Or, stated another way,  let’s begin with questions that generate the  least hostility, moving to those…

Subjecting all Americans to an International databank

  By Tom DeWeese The rush is on to force into law mandatory use of the E-Verify system that will mandate that all businesses use this hand-me-down from the Social Security Administration in order to hire anyone. Republican Representative Lamar Smith has introduced HR 2164 and House action is expected at any time. Say proponents,…

The Economic Case for Supporting Israel

By George Gilder America’s enemies understand deeply and intuitively that no U.S. goals or resources in the Middle East are remotely as important as Israel. Why don’t we? Israel cruised through the recent global slump with scarcely a down quarter and no deficit or stimulus package. It is steadily increasing its global supremacy, behind only…