Monthly Archives: March 2011

Democrats Attack Republican Candidate’s Children

By Art Robinson Published by WorldNetDaily The Democrat Political Machine is Attacking Republican Congressional Candidate Art Robinson’s Children and a Distinguished Nuclear Engineer at Oregon State University. Please help save these students and their courageous Professor. In an effort to do my part in rescuing our country from the out-of-control Obama administration, last year I…

The True Building Blocks of Liberalism

by James A. Henderson I’ve come to the conclusion that the Democrat Party is really a secular religion. A cult religion. Since so many of its disciples seem to have nothing to do with organized religion, so as we know it, it’s morphed into a faux faith system to supersede the original one. So unions…

What The Capitol Protests Really Mean – Get Ready!

by James A. Henderson Liberals never met a minority they didn’t gush over, genuflect before, side with. They are wracked with guilt, so naturally they want to overcompensate. That is, hand over every chance to anyone to make up for that over crushing guilt. Never mind that two-thirds of the people living in poverty in…

Common Sense and the Budget Repair Bill

By Gary L. Wickert Liberals truly live on another planet – one devoid of common sense, accurate facts, and reason. Last week’s column in Ozaukee County’s News Graphic by liberal columnist Tim Schilke is a perfect example. Schilke described Wisconsin State Rep. Jim Ott’s vote in favor of Scott Walker’s Budget Repair Bill as shameful…

Steve’s Say . . .

The War Without End We all rejoiced when the modified Budget Repair bill passed the Senate on an 18-1 vote on March 9 and the Assembly the following day. Governor Walker signed the bill into law on March 11 and the first budget battle fight was won, right? Wrong. Immediately the lone Democrat in state…

Wisconsin Capitol Report

How About This Inside Story? This is from a Lieutenant (name removed to protect him) from the Waukesha Sheriff’s Department who was sent to assist local Madison law enforcement in providing extra security at the State Capitol. What a disgrace. On Feb. 23, I was sent to Madison to assist local law enforcement in providing…