Monthly Archives: February 2011

The Truth About ANWR

The Federal Government continues to not allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This pictorial journey will show you why this ban makes no sense.

Voice of Jerusalem

Why We Can Still Win by Avner Zarmi Committee for Truth and Justice The passage is familiar to every Biblereader: “And the angel of Ha-Shem said to [Hagar], Behold you are pregnant, and you will bear a son and you will call his name Yishmael, for Ha-Shem has heard your affliction. And he will be…

One Nation Under God

The Facts Regarding Senator Feingold’s Position on Partial Birth Abortion By Steve Welcenbach When my son Ryan announced last year that he was attending a rally outside the abortion mill on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive as part of the “Hilltoppers Defending Life” club, my wife Susan and I could not have been more…

History Quiz For Slavery History Buff Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews flexed his intellectual biceps last week challenging the response of Congresswoman Michelle Bachman’s to President Obama’s State of the Union address. The facts about slavery ownership of some of the Founders of our nation that he needed to procure from his cited college history professor most of us realized we learned back in…

Our Christian Nation

Save Me A Spot This is written by a sports anchor from Fox 6 in Milwaukee. It doesn’t get any better than this. This job affords me some incredible opportunities. Being a member of the FOX 6 Sports team means I’ve been able to witness and report on events and people that many can only…

U.S. Senate to Consider Filibuster Reform

Pax Americana Institute Two weeks ago, the U.S. Senate began deliberation on a series of filibuster reform resolutions, largely precipitated by a sixfold increase in the total number of filibusters in the two previous legislative sessions. Liberals have directly caused this tremendous increase in filibusters and the inevitable breakdown in bipartisanship. The Senate leadership, especially…