371 search results for "donald trump"

Time to Get Smart, Not Angry

By Joe Bast The “red trickle” on November 8 was a great disappointment to conservatives everywhere. It’s tempting to pick up our marbles and go home. But there is a better path forward. This article describes some things everyone reading it can do to help save the country. Okay, So We Lost Nationally, Republicans appear…

America must scrap mail-in ballots, early voting to restore faith in the integrity of our elections

Nearly two years after the shambolic 2020 U.S. presidential election, tens of millions of ordinary Americans still suspect the election was rigged – through a combination of Big Tech interference, mail-in ballots lacking signature verification, so-called “ballot harvesting,” and the private takeover of government election operations by non-profit organizations controlled by partisan Democrats, funded by…

Working for My Daily Bread

By Andrew Zuelke In April 2018, voters rejected a statewide referendum to eliminate the office of State Treasurer (and Secretary of State). Four years later, not one duty was added back to this office out of respect for the voters’ decision. The main duty left is for Treasurer is being one of three members (along…

25 Questions For Liberals

By Gary Wickert The very first words President Joe Biden spoke to the nation after being elected made clear his intention to bridge the deep and bitter political and racial divisions in American society. America is polarized, but it would be untrue to suggest we have never been this divided before. We fought a civil…

Putin and Xi Divvy Up Energy Control as Biden, EU Dither

The European Union, and Germany most particularly, have gotten themselves into a self-inflicted energy shortage disaster in becoming heavily dependent upon Russian natural gas and oil while at the same time opposing the Putin government’s Ukraine invasion, which they have good reason to fear may spread to NATO countries. involve the kind of environmental disruption…