The Vaccine from Hell

“As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house,and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.” Amos 5:19

By Riley J. Hood—Milwaukee County Constitution Party

According to an America’s Frontline Doctors position paper, “COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan China in December 2019.” Ever since, “COVID-19 has dominated all conversations nationally and internationally. Such omnipresent media attention is unprecedented for a pandemic. The American public heard about Zika, Ebola, Swine Flu, but nothing like this. Scientists know that there are pandemics every few years. In fact, this is the fourth respiratory virus that escaped from China in the past 25 years; first the bird flu, then SARS, then H7N9. The most recent large pandemic to affect USA prior to COVID-19 was the Hong Kong Flu of 1968-69.” Covid-19 has a routine sound to these doctors, and the virus is not the end of the world that socialist kooks have purported it to be. AFD asserts, “American life continued entirely normally during the Hong Kong Flu, with no suggestion of locking down anything, in fact the Woodstock Festival took place in the midst of the Hong Kong Flu. We start with this to remind the reader that current information must be understood in the context of other events or the reader will be easily misled.”

The following is from AFD’s position paper’s table of contents, “IV. COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines Controversies: Brand New Technology. Failure of Previous Coronavirus Vaccines. No Animal Studies Known. Complications Unknown. Pharmaceutical Companies are Immune from Liability. An Experimental Vaccine is Not Safer than a Very Low IFR. No Proof the Vaccine Stops Transmission of the Virus. The Vaccine Lasts Unknown Duration. The Data Has Not Been Independently Peer-Reviewed & Published.”

There are other Physicians confronting the Covid-19 power grab by socialists. Dr, Andrew Kaufman said that “the vaccine is not proven safe our effective.” Dr, Hilde De Smet asserted that Cov-2 vaccines have faltered in animal trials, and animal trials have been skipped, thus people are being used as guinea pigs. Dr. R. Zac Cox asserted that experimenting on humans violates the Nuremburg Code. Dr. Anna Forbes, Dr. Daniel Cullum, Dr. Anne Fierlafijn, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Barre Lando, Kate Shemirani, Pharmacist Sandy Lunoe, and Acupuncturist Boris Dragin concur. Dr. Nils Fosse, Dr Elizabeth Evan of the UK Medical Alliance, caution against auto-immune diseases, infertility and sterility. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny concurs.

Dr, Vernon Coleman said the “The Covid-19 epidemic is a scam,” and his 50yr career was ruined for opposing current measures. From Ireland, Prof. Dolores Cahill says Covid-19 can by treated by Vitamins B, C, and D. Lockdowns, masks, socialist distancing and a vaccine are not necessary.

Dr. Ralf Sundberg, cautioned against false positives on PCR testing. Dr Johan Denis says this is an overreaction to a mild flu, and asserts that these vaccines might change your DNA via nano-lipid technology, summarizing, “I wouldn’t give this vaccine to myself or my family.” Dr. Kevin P. Corbett concurs, and asserts that these vaccines haven’t undergone standard “phase 3 tests.” Dr. Carrie Madaj, Dr. Piotr Rubas, Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo, Dr. Nour De San, Prof. Konstantin Pavlidis, Dr. Heiko Santelmann, Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson, Dr. Mikael Nordfors, Dr. Elke F. de Klerk, concur. Dr. Kelly Brogan called forced vaccines “penetration of the body, mind and spirit by the state.”

This author has rejected the idea of taking this vaccine upon a cursory presentation of how it was arrived at. I thought that it was unethically produced, and the thought of getting a Genetic RNA injection is about as appealing as getting my feet x-rayed to by a new pair of shoes.

The Wisconsin State Senate want to make these vile preparations mandatory in Wisconsin to placate the Tyrant Tony Evers. When Tony Evers cites “science” what he really means is a socialist school public teachers atheistic understanding of science, as the basis to oppress real scientists from questioning the socialist paradigm. Who decides what science is? Evers’ answer is that the Government, namely he does.

The Milwaukee County Constitution Party rejects the quisling Robin Vos’ assertion that “the virus caused lockdowns” etc. The virus causes a mild case of sniffles, and is only threatening to people with compromised immune systems: which makes it like most any other flu on a practical level. It is socialists, using “the virus” to generate panic and tyranny, lockdowns, mask mandates and forced injections. These measures are all as un-American as the ideology that spawned them.