Steve’s Say . . .

Steve_Welcenbach partialWhen Will Harry Reid
Be Put in Prison?

 Harry Reid is a gangster. Harry Reid is a criminal. Harry Reid belongs in prison.

Harry Reid shirked his constitutionally mandated responsibility as Senate Majority Leader to pass a budget. For 5 years in a row. Harry Reid became a multi multi millionaire as he collected his senator’s salary all these years. How’d you do that Harry? Sell a little political influence did ya?

Like the senate gangster, Mr. O, the Big Thief in the Oval office, just tells us outright he is violating his oath of office and will continue to do so. He told Vlad Putin directly part of his plan to dismantle America and its old alliance network which he is well on his way to completing. Could anyone possibly destroy America’s position in the world faster and more completely than Barry O has done, even trying their hardest? I don’t see how. Incompetence is not an explanation. Treason is too soft of a word for what Barry has done. What is the appropriate sentence for this man should justice ever be served?

And Eric Holder? What about that murderer? Yes murder! Fast and furious, remember? And the Other Murderer, Hillary Rodham? Benghazi? Four murdered, then the video cover up, then throw dirt in the faces of the parents of the heroes that died. What could possibly be appropriate justice for these two?

So how do they get away with these obvious atrocities? Because we let them. Because they are politicians, we are either afraid or too lazy to implement the remedies given to We the People by our constitution. Like muscles, if you don’t exercise the constitution it atrophies.

So all of this “leadership” from above manifests itself in lawlessness and intimidation tactics in the bureaucracy below. The IRS, the EPA, the Bureau of Land Management. Need more examples? How about DOE, HHS and Common Core?

Where does it end?

It doesn’t.

See, the Milwaukee DA and a few other DAs across the state decided to implement a taxpayer funded, fully secret investigation into the activities of people with differing political views. Activities that aren’t even illegal but are in fact constitutionally protected.

Apparently drunk, stoned and cracked up moms smothering their children or the myriad of gang shootings or REAL weapons charges aren’t quite as high a priority in DA Chisholm’s office. Mr. Chisholm has shown himself to be just another punk thug in the long, stinking sewage trail seeping out of Washington DC. Chisholm has proven to be one more elected criminal all too eager to abuse the trust of his office for the destruction of other individuals and the rule of law as originally designed in America. What a shame!

America is just about to the breaking point. We saw regular Americans in Nevada challenge the strong arm tactics of the BLM to send them packing back to Washington DC. And if they keep pushing those Western patriots any much more, I think real fury will be felt, and God only knows where that will lead.

But these individuals and their trespasses I have laid forth are nothing new. In fact, such is the normal state of mankind. Government naturallly tends toward totalitarianism. That tendency powers the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior. It takes us out of that web of deceit and power and suffering and slavery. We only really answer to God our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. In this context America was founded. It is God’s creation. One Nation Under God.

And so we will remain. None of these crooks I mention above are greater than He. Their day of reckoning will come. And I fully believe, with the help of His grace, our nation will be restored again to its proper place, a steward of justice under our Redeemer King.

And I see signs of that day to come. I see a defiant Eric Holder and Hillary Rodham breaking down in faux remorse being sentenced in a courtroom for murder. I see Barry O being shuffled off by his own leftist loonies to be tried for treason against America and the world.

And I see Harry Reid, in an orange jumpsuit, exercising in the courtyard of the newly opened federal prison in Death Valley, just where he belongs.

When these things come to pass, America will truly have been restored.