Steve’s Say . . .

Senator Johnson Leading the Way Back to the Rule of Law in WashingtonSteve_Welcenbach_head_shot

A little over a week ago our own Senator Ron Johnson donned the mantle of political courage and began a new offensive in our war with the lawless Left to restore the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land and bind Washington politicians to all requirements contained therein. His lawsuit against the Federal government for not following the provisions of ObamaCare as legislated with respect to Congress and their staffs I believe will go down in history as the turning point in our struggle to rid America of Washington’s lawlessness and tyranny.

ObamaCare is Bad. Everyone knows it - from Democrat Senators up for reelection in 2014 to the entire Obama team including the president. The question for Democrats, freeloaders and other Leftists is how to disguise the worst symptoms long enough until a fix or reversal becomes politically or operationally impossible. The question for the rest of us - Republicans, producers, entrepreneurs, Constitutionalists, Conservatives, Libertarians, Catholics and other traditional Christians, and anyone who understands basic economics - an enormous coalition, remains one of strategy and tactics. We all know that this monstrosity cannot work and will implode. In fact, we are almost there. What will happen after that fact becomes fully apparent - either by intellectual recognition or by the fruits of its practical application - is not clear.

Obama and the Left plan to use this meltdown as justification to implement the ultimate government solution - single payer healthcare. Obama said so quite directly. This coup will complete that socialist utopian vision of equality, which in reality means fewer doctors, rationed care and disposal human beings that don’t fit numerical templates of some unelected decision board.

Unless, of course, you are part of the government bureaucracy or ruling elite. In that world, there are no shortages, only the best care however, whenever and wherever you want it. Sounds pretty great if you’re in that 1% and have no Christian values. Sounds like slavery for all the rest.

Which brings us back to Senator Johnson’s lawsuit. For too long we have been complacent and silent as Washington pols and bureaucrats pirated the treasury and our way of life, voting for themselves giant pay raises while carving out cadillac benefits packages and retirement provisions so exclusive that the most hardened white collar criminal could not possibly justify any moral or even logical explanation. ObamaCare demonstrates the clearest example yet of how the suffocating rules THEY created will not be felt by the very people responsible for invoking this misery on the rest of us. This dualistic, elitist exemption cannot be tolerated not only because it is flat out immoral but wholly unconstitutional.

Senator Johnson’s lawsuit may be more successful than anyone realizes. Regardless of whatever court outcome results, Johnson is putting the moral case against ObamaCare center stage in the American debate. As I have stated many times previously, no political argument can be won without presenting the moral case. Without a moral basis easily embraced by the majority of the populace, no logical argument has a chance of succeeding. This axiom has been Obama’s secret to his massive political success.

So Senator Johnson now becomes the center of ridicule from his own side, the most renowned criticism from his own constituent, Representative Jim Sensenbrenner of my hometown Menomonee Falls. A political stunt my congressman calls it. Well, maybe some (especially Washington insiders and the politically endowed) see it that way, but so what? What I care about is someone on our side actually challenging the Leftist takeover of this country before it comes to blows. The Left is going for it all, Jim. Haven’t you noticed?

Yes, you and your staff will suffer with the rest of us, and that’s too bad, especially since you’ve fought this thing all along. But maybe your pain will provide a renewed sense of urgency to you and the rest of your Washington politifriends to challenge the lawless Obama and the rest of his Leftist regime from completing their marauding of America.

Thank you, Senator Johnson, for displaying the fearless leadership you say we so desperately need from our federal officials. And thank you for living the promise you made to us, your Wisconsin constituents that elected you, that you would pursue whatever ways you could find to stop the implementation of ObamaCare and restore our freedom of choice for our own healthcare decisions. And finally, thank you for fighting to restore the Constitution to its rightful place, the pinnacle of American rule of law.