When “Good” Men Do Nothing

“As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.” – Romans 3:10 KJV

By Andrew Zuelke

Friends, I want you to think about all the immoral, wicked things which have come to pass so quickly over the past few years: homosexual “marriage”, a Supreme Court making laws instead of interpreting them against the original intent of the Constitution, Progressive indoctrination and the pushing of evolution and the teaching of all manners of sexual activities in public schools. Are you surprised at the speed which these things have happened? You shouldn’t be. As Edmund Burke warns us, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

There are two parties in power right now – Democrat and Republican. One party wants these immoral things and is getting them because the other party through their passiveness is allowing them to. There is no opposition party applying the brakes to slow the Democrat juggernaut, no friction to slow them down on moral issues.

There is a huge difference between fighting for righteousness and being defeated versus not fighting for righteousness at all. I certainly don’t expect Republicans to win every fight until the last day of the American Republic, but I do expect them to study each issue with discernment and say, “This (whatever “this” is) is not beneficial to our society. This is just wrong! We’re going to try and stop this from happening.” And if some immorality becomes reality, I expect Republicans to say, “We lost this round, but this one battle is not the war. We are going to do all we can to rally Americans behind us on this and reverse this wrong.” When Progressives and their Democrat and media allies are dealt a reverse, they fight all the harder. That’s the other reason Progressives win; they never give up.

I want to declare this boldly: The Constitution Party of Wisconsin (CPoW) is not God’s “right hand” on Earth. God has been working His will long before the CPoW was founded a quarter century ago by Godly men and women like William and Suzanne Hemenway, Lorraine Decker, Kent Steffke and others and He will continue working His plans for America regardless of what CPoW does. Our party will not single-handedly “save” America.

I only wish to make the point that the Constitution Party’s moral compass functions very well. If something is right according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and/or the written Constitution, we fight to defend and uphold it; if it is wrong, we fight to undo it. We never give up either. We seek to uphold a Godly standard, not to lower ourselves to a lower worldly one which is ever changing at the whims and passions of the mob.

I know for certain there are individual Republican members and supporters who care about the Moral Order as much as we Constitutionalists do. I am writing here only about the Republican Party as a whole, particularly their leadership, who were silent when in August 2014, Governor Scott Walker said the infamous words, “For us, it is over in Wisconsin.” He was referring to the same-sex marriage ban in our state constitution which as our executive officer he is duty-bound to enforce, just as I am duty-bound to uphold party bylaws and our platform as State Chairman of CPoW.

Where was the GOP state leadership when that same governor doubled-down on his lawlessness and ordered all seventy-two county clerks in Wisconsin to violate their oaths of office and start issuing marriage licenses to homosexual couples?

Not one Republican leader began impeachment proceedings against Governor Walker and not one Republican county clerk interposed and said, “No, Governor. You’re asking me to violate state constitutional law. The voters amended the state constitution in 2006 and I will only issue marriages licenses to one-man and one-woman couples.” How do I know for a fact that no Republican called for the governor’s impeachment and that no Republican county clerk defied Governor Walker? If any Republican had spoken out in 2014, we would have heard about it non-stop from state and national liberal media. We would have heard and read about the “chaos” in the Republican Party and about the “defiant, lawless county clerk” not obeying the federal judge or a sitting governor from his own party. The media would have loved the opportunity to make it appear as though the WI GOP was tearing itself apart to aid the Democrats in the 2014 election.

Of course I knew why Governor Walker wasn’t going to be impeached for not enforcing the same-sex marriage ban. The Democrats wanted homosexual “marriage” so they certainly weren’t going to call for his impeachment. The Republican Party wanted this moral issue to just “go away” because many in their party also support homosexual “marriage” and fighting further on this issue would drive a wedge deeper into a Republican Party already divided between the moral and economic camps.

So, my friends, there are a lot of “good” men (and women) in the Republican Party who are openly running away from the Moral Order, on pro-life, on traditional marriage, on moral absolutes, issues that thirty years ago were the bread and butter issues of the GOP. With the majority control of House, Senate and White House and no President Obama to blame, what immoralities will these “good” men now use their political power to stop?

Ironically, many of these same men and women in elected offices have families. They taught their own children morals and virtues and would take them to church where people known as Sunday School teachers would further teach morals and virtues. So it’s not like Republicans don’t understand right from wrong and what will befall any nation which doesn’t maintain a moral foundation. Who will stand on the Moral Order; the Constitutionalists will!

We must act fast. Friends, stop enabling the GOP with your votes and donations. It matters not if Republicans on a ballot can win elections if once in office they don’t wish to fight on moral issues. Win the (election) battle, lose the (culture) war.

As Psalms 11:3 of the KJV states, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Andrew Zuelke is the State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin and the Dodge/Fond du Lac CPoW Counties Chairman. The Constitution Party of Wisconsin is a totally pro-life, liberty and traditional marriage/values party whose goal is to get Godly constitutionally-minded people into office at the local, state and federal levels. You can contact the party at 608-561-7996 or the Chairman at constitutionpartyofwisconsin@gmail.com.