Monthly Archives: November 2010

Unions Are Destroying America Part 2 of 2

Continued from last edition Over 56% of Milwaukee’s workforce was engaged in the manufacturing industry in 1953 – one of the highest concentrations in America. Today they are all gone. I challenge anybody in Flint, Mich., to name a heavily-unionized American industry that isn’t dead or dying. In recent years, a number of automotive parts…

Steve’s Say . . . Jim Doyle Belongs in an Orange Jumpsuit

Jim Doyle earned the distinctive title of the biggest crook in Wisconsin history long ago. His predictable pre-election antics over Halloween weekend of attempting to solidify contracts for the unwanted, unpopular and unsupportable commuter rail project create the perfect fairytale ending to the distinguished gubernatorial career of the all-time largest looter of the people of…

REAL crimes against humanity

Going beyond alarmist climate disinformation, to actively perpetuate poverty, disease, death. By Paul Driessen The Nov. 2 elections resoundingly affirm that America’s top priorities are economic growth, job creation and less Washington control of our lives. The elections are likely the final nail in the capand- tax coffin. However, even before close contests could be…

The New Agenda for Wisconsin’s New Government

On November 2, 2010, the Republican Party gained control of the governorship and both houses of the State Legislature for the first time since 2003. In addition, Republican Kurt Schuller defeated incumbent State Treasurer, Dawn Marie Sass, and Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen was easily re-elected. The only Democratic state official to survive the Republican…

Eye on Nevada

Dear CatholicVote Friend, Senator Harry Reid. This Friday, President Obama will  travel to Las Vegas to help re-elect Reid.  So we have to ask you: Does Harry Reid  deserve the Catholic vote? No way. And that’s why we are working  to elect his opponent instead – Sharron  Angle. In Nevada, we proudly endorsed Angle  in…